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The 2021 McCormick & Murphy, P.C. Scholarship Winner

The office of McCormick & Murphy, P.C. – A Personal Injury Law Firm is pleased to announce the winner of the 2021 McCormick & Murphy P.C. Scholarship: Chloe Nguyen who will attend the University of Michigan in the Fall 2021 Semester.

Speaking on her plans for school and after, Miss. Nguyen said, “I intend to earn a bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering with minors related to German and biochemical engineering. While at the University of Michigan, I intend to take full advantage of the opportunities afforded to me. For example, I was recently accepted into the Women in Science and Engineering residence program and will be applying for the engineering honors program.

Since reading Mars Rover Curiosity: An Inside Account from Curiosity’s Chief Engineer (and watching The Martian) in elementary school, my fascination with space has only grown. It is my dream to lead a project that contributes to a human mission to Mars. Beyond this, I hope to design spacecraft that will collect valuable data relevant to the betterment of society on Earth. While at the University of Michigan, my aerospace path will be tailored towards rocket and spacecraft propulsion. Moreover, I will join the Mars Rover Team that directly contributes to research involving porotypes of manned rovers for use in a human mission to Mars.

The College of Engineering offers seven study abroad opportunities in Germany. I am most interested in the International Engineering Summer School at Berlin University of Technology. It combines my current engineering needs with culture immersion and I hope to participate in my graduate years. Beyond academics, I intend to join and lead clubs that correspond to my passions, e.g., social rights, mathematics, horseback riding.

The University of Michigan is ranked as one of the top public schools, as well as one of the best for undergraduate aerospace engineering. The McCormick & Murphy Scholarship affords me the opportunity to attend the University of Michigan as it covers the extra cost of attendance, including personal essentials, books, and lab fees. I want to express how grateful I am for being chosen as one of this year’s recipients of the scholarship. Due to the generosity of the firm, I will be able to devote more time and attention to my studies this year without the added pressure of a student loan. My pursual of a career in engineering would not be nearly as plausible without such assistance and I greatly appreciate the investment in my future. Once again, I thank the firm and accompanying members for their time, work, and support.”

We extend our congratulations to Miss Nguyen and are looking forward to seeing her grow and advance in her education and future career.